
Wie oft sollte man beim Aquarium Wasser wechseln?
Regular water changes are an important part of aquarium care. It serves to maintain the water quality and ensure the well-being of the fish and plants. But how often should you actually change the water in your aquarium?
Was sollte man über ein Aquarium wissen?
An aquarium is not only a decorative element, but also a fascinating piece of nature within your own four walls. However, there are a few things to consider in order to provide the fish with a species-appropriate home.
AQUATANA verzichtet auf eine Preiserhöhung - AQUATANA
We would like to thank you for your loyalty and have therefore decided not to pass on the additional costs to you. We will not increase prices and you can continue to pursue your hobby of aquaristics at fair prices and discover and share the joy of the fascinating underwater world with your loved ones.
TWINT "Später bezahlen" verfügbar - AQUATANA
We are pleased to inform you that the new payment method "Pay later with TWINT" is now available in our online store.You select the payment method TWINT in our online store and if your bank already supports this new function of TWINT, you can choose whether you want to settle the outstanding amount immediately or within 30 days.
Die richtige Wahl für den Aquariumboden: Kies, Sand oder Soil?
An aquarium is not only an impressive home for your fish, but also a small ecosystem that requires careful planning. One of the most important elements affecting the health and well-being of your aquarium inhabitants is the substrate. There are many factors to consider when choosing between gravel, sand and soil.
Spirulina in der Aquaristik
Regular consumption of spirulina can significantly improve the coloration of ornamental fish and shrimp. The carotenoids contained, especially beta-carotene, promote the formation and intensification of color pigments. This leads to bright colors and an attractive appearance of the aquarium inhabitants.