Was sollte man über ein Aquarium wissen?

What should you know about an aquarium?

Jan 30, 2024

An aquarium is not only a decorative element, but also a fascinating piece of nature within your own four walls. However, there are a few things to consider in order to provide the fish with a species-appropriate home.

Choosing the right size

The size of the aquarium is crucial for the well-being of the fish. The larger the aquarium, the better. It offers the fish more space to swim and allows for more stable water quality. A small aquarium can quickly become an unhealthy and unstable habitat.

The right set-up

The set-up of the aquarium plays an important role. Plants and hiding places offer the fish protection and retreats. They also create a natural and appealing environment. It is advisable to find out about the needs of the fish species you want to keep before setting up your aquarium.

The right water quality

The quality of the water is of great importance for the well-being of the fish. It is important to carry out regular water changes and check the water values. An aquarium filter can help to keep the water clean. The water should also be adapted to the needs of the fish, for example in terms of temperature and pH value.

The right lighting

Good lighting is not only important for the growth of plants, but also for the well-being of the fish. The lighting should be modeled on natural lighting conditions. It is advisable to use a timer to ensure a regular lighting cycle

The right feeding

Balanced and species-appropriate feeding is essential for the health of the fish. It is important to provide the fish with high-quality fish food and to adjust the amount of food accordingly. Overfeeding can lead to health problems and have a negative impact on water quality.

The right choice of fish

When selecting fish, it is important to make sure that they match the existing water conditions and the other fish species in the aquarium. Not all fish species get along with each other. You should also consider the size of the fish to ensure that the aquarium offers sufficient space.

The right care

An aquarium requires regular care to ensure the well-being of the fish. This includes regular cleaning of the aquarium, removing dead plant matter, checking the water quality and checking the filter system. You should also make sure that the aquarium is protected from direct sunlight and draughts.

The correct running-in phase

After setting up a new aquarium, it is important to carry out a break-in phase before introducing fish. This establishes the biological balance in the aquarium by colonizing beneficial bacteria that regulate the nitrogen cycle. This phase can take several weeks and requires patience.

The right planning

Before setting up an aquarium, you should inform yourself well in advance and carry out detailed planning. You should find out about the needs of the desired fish species, the necessary technology and the requirements for the aquarium. Good planning helps to prevent problems later on.

The right source for fish and accessories

It is important to buy fish and accessories from trustworthy sources. Reputable pet shops or breeders usually offer healthy and well-cared-for animals. They can also help with questions about feeding, care and compatibility.

The right choice of plants

Plants play an important role in an aquarium. They not only serve as decoration, but also improve the water quality. Plants produce oxygen and absorb pollutants from the water. It is advisable to combine different plant species to create a balanced ecosystem.

The right temperature

The temperature of the aquarium water is crucial for the well-being of the fish. It is important to ensure the right water temperature for the fish species kept. An aquarium heater can be used for this purpose to keep the temperature constant. It is important to check the temperature regularly and adjust it if necessary.

The right volume

Fish are sensitive to noise and vibrations. It is therefore important to set up the aquarium in a quiet place to avoid stressing the fish. Avoid loud noises and do not place the aquarium near high-traffic areas.

The right patience

An aquarium is not an instant result, but requires patience and continuous care. It takes time for the biological balance in the aquarium to be established and for the fish to get used to their environment. Give the aquarium and the fish the time they need to develop optimally.

An aquarium can be a wonderful addition to the home, as long as you take care of the fish's needs. With the right size, set-up, water quality, lighting, feeding, fish selection, care, running-in phase, planning, source, plant selection, temperature, volume and patience, nothing stands in the way of a harmonious and healthy aquarium.

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