
Aquarium einrichten
Setting up a new aquarium is an exciting process for newcomers and experienced aquarium enthusiasts alike.
Häufige Anfängerfehler in der Aquaristik
Keeping aquariums is a fascinating hobby that inspires many people. However, beginners in particular often make mistakes that can lead to problems and frustration. In this article, we will shed light on some of the most common mistakes made by beginners in the aquarium hobby and provide tips on how to avoid them.
JBL Aquarium Thermometer DigiScan Alarm
A stabilized temperature level is crucial for the well-being of your aquarium inhabitants. The temperature in the aquarium influences the metabolism, the immune system and the behavior of the fish and plants. With the JBL DigiScan Alarm aquarium thermometer you can ensure that the temperature always remains within the optimum range.
Katzen und Aquarien
If you own both a cat and an aquarium, you probably know that it can sometimes be a challenge to achieve a harmonious coexistence between the two. Cats naturally have a hunting instinct and are fascinated by glittery, moving objects such as fish.
Fische als Haustiere
Fish are popular pets that are available in many different shapes and colors. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, they are also comparatively easy to care for. In this comprehensive article, we take a detailed look at the benefits and challenges of keeping fish as pets.
Ein Aquarium gegen Stress
Stress has become an omnipresent problem in our modern society. The demands of work, the hectic pace of everyday life and the constant availability of smartphones and social media can quickly overwhelm us. Fortunately, however, there is a simple and pleasant way to counteract stress - an aquarium.