Häufige Anfängerfehler in der Aquaristik

Common beginners' mistakes in aquaristics

Feb 19, 2024

Aquariums are a fascinating hobby that many people enjoy. However, beginners in particular often make mistakes that can lead to problems and frustration. In this article, we will shed light on some of the most common mistakes made by beginners in the aquarium hobby and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Wrong aquarium size

One of the most common mistakes is choosing an aquarium that is too small. Many beginners are tempted to buy a small aquarium as it takes up less space and is cheaper. However, a small tank is often unstable and does not provide enough space for the fish, which can lead to stress and disease. It is important to find out about the needs of the fish species before buying and to choose an appropriate aquarium.

Insufficient water care

Another common mistake is neglecting water care. Many beginners are not aware of how important it is to test the water regularly and treat it if necessary. Poor water quality can lead to diseases in the fish and endanger the entire aquarium. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basics of water care and carry out regular checks.


Another mistake made by beginners is overstocking the aquarium. It is tempting to fill the aquarium with many different species of fish, but this can lead to conflicts and an unbalanced ecosystem. Each fish species has different needs and it is important to find out which species harmonize well with each other and how many fish the tank can handle.

Lack of patience

Aquariums require patience. Many beginners expect quick results and are frustrated if the aquarium doesn't look perfect straight away. It is important to understand that a new aquarium needs time to settle in and achieve a stable ecological balance. Patience is the key to success in aquaristics.

Inappropriate fish species

Another common mistake is choosing unsuitable fish species. Beginners tend to buy fish that are not suitable for their aquarium conditions. Each fish species has specific requirements in terms of water parameters, temperature and tank size. It is important to find out about the needs of the fish species before buying and only select those that are a good fit for your aquarium.

Wrong feeding

Wrong feeding of fish is another common mistake. Beginners tend to give either too much or too little food. Overfeeding can lead to pollution of the water and affect water quality, while underfeeding can lead to malnutrition and health problems in the fish. It is important to be aware of the correct feeding of the selected fish species and to adjust the feeding amount accordingly.

No running-in phase

A common mistake made by beginners is to rush into setting up the aquarium without waiting for a break-in period. A break-in period allows the aquarium to reach a stable ecological balance before fish are introduced. This means that the water undergoes the correct biological processes and harmful substances are broken down. It is important to wait patiently for the running-in phase to avoid problems such as algae blooms or fish diseases.

Unawareness about diseases

Another common mistake made by beginners is ignorance of fish diseases. Many beginners do not recognize disease symptoms in time and do not know how to react appropriately. It is important to find out about the most common fish diseases, recognize the symptoms and act quickly if necessary. Regular observation of the fish and, if necessary, the use of medication can help to detect and treat diseases at an early stage.

Lack of planning

A mistake that many beginners make is a lack of planning. Before setting up an aquarium, you should think about which fish species you want to keep, what water values they need and how the aquarium should be designed. Well thought-out planning helps to avoid problems later on and create a harmonious aquarium.

Lack of further training

Aquariums are a hobby that requires constant training. There are always new things to learn and discover. Many beginners make the mistake of not continuing their education and expanding their knowledge sufficiently. It is advisable to regularly read books, visit online forums and exchange ideas with other aquarists in order to deepen your own knowledge.

We hold fast

Aquariums can be a wonderful hobby if you avoid the common mistakes made by beginners. By choosing the right tank size, ensuring good water quality, planning stocking carefully, being patient, choosing suitable fish species, feeding correctly, waiting for a break-in period, being informed about diseases, planning well and educating yourself continuously, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy aquarium. Find out about the basics of aquarium keeping before you start and get advice from experienced aquarists.

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