Blauer Fadenfisch im Aquarium

Blue gourami in the aquarium

Feb 19, 2024

The blue gourami, scientifically known as Trichogaster trichopterus, is a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. With its stunning blue color and elegant appearance, it brings a certain elegance to any aquarium. In this article, we will take a closer look at the blue gourami and how to keep it in the aquarium.

Features of the blue gourami

The blue gourami is a medium-sized fish that is native to Southeast Asia. It is characterized by its bright blue color, which is interspersed with a black stripe. The males have an elongated dorsal fin, while the females have a rounded dorsal fin. With an average size of around 7-10 cm, it is well suited to medium to large aquariums.

Aquarium conditions

The blue gourami prefers an aquarium with sufficient swimming space and densely planted areas. The plants provide hiding places and create a natural environment for the fish. The aquarium should have a temperature between 24 and 28 °C and a pH value between 6.8-7.5. Regular cleaning of the aquarium and regular water changes are important to ensure optimal conditions for the fish.

Behavior and socialization

The blue gourami is a peaceful fish that can be socialized well with other peaceful species. However, it is important that the aquarium offers sufficient space to avoid territorial disputes. Suitable companion fish for the blue gourami include guppies, platies or small catfish species. Aggressive or territorial fish species should be avoided.


The blue gourami is an omnivore and accepts a variety of foods. In addition to commercially available flake food, live food such as artemia or mosquito larvae can also be fed. A varied diet is important to ensure that the fish gets all the nutrients it needs. It is advisable to feed several times a day in small portions to avoid overfeeding.


The blue gourami can be bred in the aquarium. A separate breeding tank equipped with fine plants should be set up for this purpose. The male builds a foam nest in which the females lay their eggs. After hatching, the fry swim freely and can be fed with fine live food. Breeding the blue gourami requires some experience and patience, but can be an exciting and rewarding experience.

Diseases and care

The blue gourami is generally a robust and hardy fish. Nevertheless, it is important to look out for signs of disease, such as changes in behavior, loss of color or loss of appetite. If diseases are suspected, a vet or specialist aquarium retailer should be consulted in order to initiate suitable treatment.

Caring for the blue gourami requires regular attention. In addition to monitoring the water quality, regular partial water changes should also be carried out to remove harmful substances. The plants in the aquarium should be trimmed regularly and dead plant parts removed to ensure a healthy environment.

Tips for buying

When buying a blue gourami, it is important to pay attention to the health and behavior of the fish. Make sure that the fish is active, has a vibrant color and shows no signs of disease. Also find out about the origin of the fish and avoid buying wild-caught fish to protect the species' population.

The blue gourami summarized once again

The blue gourami is an enrichment for any aquarium. With its fascinating blue color and peaceful behaviour, it is suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. With the right conditions, a balanced diet and regular care, you can enjoy this beautiful fish for a long time.

If you are looking for a colorful yet peaceful inhabitant for your aquarium, the blue gourami is definitely worth considering. Place it in a well-maintained and suitable environment and it will bring you much joy with its beauty and grace.

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