
AQUATIS Aquarium Vivarium Lausanne
AQUATIS is a unique destination for anyone interested in the fascinating world of underwater creatures and reptiles. The aquarium and vivarium is located in the charming city of Lausanne in Switzerland and promises its visitors an unforgettable experience that combines knowledge, entertainment and closeness to nature.
Wie wird man ein erfahrener Aquarianer?
You may have already asked yourself this question and then asked a search engine for the right answer. You will have quickly noticed that there are different views here.
Was ist ein Aquarist?
An aquarist, also known as an aquarist, is a person who is passionate about aquaristics. Aquaristics is a fascinating hobby in which you maintain and observe an aquarium with different types of aquatic life such as fish, axolotl, shrimps, crabs, crayfish, snails, plants and other organisms.
Häufige Anfängerfehler in der Aquaristik
Keeping aquariums is a fascinating hobby that inspires many people. However, beginners in particular often make mistakes that can lead to problems and frustration. In this article, we will shed light on some of the most common mistakes made by beginners in the aquarium hobby and provide tips on how to avoid them.
Wir sind Ihr Schweizer Aquaristik Shop
Welcome to our renowned Swiss aquarium store, your reliable partner for all your aquarium needs. With our many years of experience and our extensive range, we offer you a wide range of high-quality products and first-class service to ensure that your aquarium is a true masterpiece.
Die Aquaristik - Ein faszinierendes Hobby
Aquaristics is a fascinating hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. It involves keeping and maintaining aquariums in which various species of fish, plants and other aquatic creatures are kept. This type of hobby offers not only aesthetic pleasure, but also an opportunity to experience nature within your own four walls.