Katzen und Aquarien

Cats and aquariums

Feb 07, 2024

Cats and aquariums: Tips for harmonious coexistence

If you own both a cat and an aquarium, you probably know that it can sometimes be a challenge to achieve harmonious coexistence between the two. Cats naturally have a hunting instinct and are fascinated by glittery, moving objects such as fish. Here are some tips on how to keep your cat and aquarium safe and happy together:

1. Safe placement of the aquarium

Make sure that the aquarium is placed in a location that is difficult for your cat to access. Avoid areas where your cat could easily jump onto it. A high table or a special aquarium cabinet could be a good option.

2. covering the aquarium

Cover the aquarium with a secure, tight lid to prevent your cat from jumping in. Make sure that the cover is well ventilated to ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen for the fish

3. Distraction and activity for your cat

Give your cat plenty of toys and other distractions to satisfy her hunting instincts. Offer her scratching posts, dens and interactive toys to distract her from your aquarium

4. Safe plant selection

Choose plants for your aquarium that are non-toxic to your cat. Cats tend to nibble on plants and poisonous plants could harm them. Find out about cat-friendly plant species and avoid poisonous varieties.

5. Familiarization and training

Train your cat to respect the aquarium and not attack it. Use positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage good behavior. If your cat tries to get close to the aquarium, gently distract him and give him another task instead.

6. Consider the personality of your cat

Some cats are simply not suited to coexisting with an aquarium. If, despite all measures, your cat continues to be "aggressive" towards the aquarium or fails to control its hunting instincts, it might be better to place the aquarium in a separate room that your cat cannot enter.

7. Take safety precautions

In order to avoid possible accidents, it is important to take additional safety precautions. Make sure that the aquarium is stable and cannot easily tip over. Also, do not use any sharp-edged or fragile decorative objects that could cause injury. Regularly check the condition of the aquarium and carry out maintenance work to prevent leaks or other problems.

8. Observe your cat's behavior

Carefully observe your cat's behavior around the aquarium. If you notice that your cat is too stressed or anxious, you may want to take additional measures to calm them down. This may include adding hiding places or quiet zones near the aquarium.

9. Clean the aquarium regularly

Good water quality is crucial for the well-being of the fish. Make sure you clean the aquarium regularly and test the water to make sure it has the right levels. When cleaning the aquarium, do not use harsh chemicals that could be dangerous for your cat

10. nutrition for your cat

A balanced and species-appropriate diet is important to ensure your cat's well-being. Make sure that your cat gets enough high-quality cat food. Feed your cat regularly and avoid feeding it near the aquarium.

11. play times together

Spend time with your cat and play with them regularly. This helps to satisfy their hunting instinct and release their energy. Playtime together will also bond your cat closer to you and may reduce their interest in the aquarium

12. get expert advice

If you are having difficulty achieving a harmonious coexistence between your cat and your aquarium, don't be afraid to seek expert help. An animal behavior therapist or an experienced aquarist can offer you valuable advice and individual solutions to your specific problem.

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