Voogle is an innovative agent that supports fish health and strengthens the immune system. The use of Voogle limits the use of antibiotics to a minimum.
The natural immune system is stimulated, and thus the fish are able to better protect themselves against diseases.
Every fish has a natural defense system against pathogens. Transport, dirty water or a large number of pathogens in the water cause enormous stress. Stress consumes a lot of energy and thus attacks the immune system. Especially the mucous membrane, gills and fins are then more susceptible to diseases such as white spot disease, fungi and other types of infections.
By using Voogle weekly, your fish will remain optimally protected in a natural way and the risk of various pathogens will be greatly reduced.
Voogle is extremely safe and can be used in higher doses if the situation requires it. The treatment can be prolonged without any problems.
Content 1 piece
Recommended use
Aquarium maintenance - weekly a full dose, 10 ml per 40 liters.
Transport - double dose, 10 ml per 20 liters, during (long distance) transports
quarantine - 5 day cure, 10 ml per 40 liters, to combat possible symptoms of disease
when buying fish - double dose, 10 ml per 20 liters, to prevent infections
symptoms of a disease - 5 day cure, 10 ml per 40 liters
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