
Der Trauermantelsalmler - Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
The mourning cloak tetra, scientifically known as Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, is a fascinating freshwater fish native to the waters of South America. With its striking appearance and interesting behavior, this tetra is a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts.
Gutes Fischfutter erkennen
When it comes to the health and well-being of our fish, choosing the right fish food is crucial. Good fish food contains all the important nutrients that our fish need for healthy growth and optimal development. But how do you recognize good fish food?
Die umfassende Fütterungslösung für junge Aquarienfische: JBL PRONOVO BEL FLUID
The rearing of young aquarium fish requires special attention and a balanced diet to ensure their healthy growth. With the JBL PRONOVO BEL FLUID you have found the ideal feeding solution that meets all the nutritional requirements of young fish.
Fischfutter kauft man heute online
In today's digital era, shopping online has become a common practice. This applies not only to clothing, electronics and household goods, but also to fish food. More and more aquarium enthusiasts are choosing to buy their fish food online. Why? We will take a closer look at this in this article.
JBL Aquarium Thermometer DigiScan Alarm
A stabilized temperature level is crucial for the well-being of your aquarium inhabitants. The temperature in the aquarium influences the metabolism, the immune system and the behavior of the fish and plants. With the JBL DigiScan Alarm aquarium thermometer you can ensure that the temperature always remains within the optimum range.
Die Bedeutung von JBL Denitrol für die Aquarienpflege
Maintaining an aquarium requires a lot of care to ensure that your aquarium inhabitants live in an optimal environment. One of the crucial steps in setting up or restocking an aquarium is the introduction of beneficial bacteria that support the biological balance. JBL Denitrol is a reliable solution for aquarists to improve water quality and facilitate the introduction of new fish.