
Baby Shrimp Shelter
Shrimp breeding is a fascinating and popular activity in aquaristics. However, when it comes to raising baby shrimp, this requires special attention and care. An important component for the success of rearing is a suitable retreat for the delicate shrimp babies.
Seemandelbaumblätter im Aquarium
Sea almond leaves come from the Terminalia catappa tree, native to the tropical regions of Asia. These leaves have long been prized by aquarists for their many benefits. Their rich profile contains tannins, tannins, flavonoids and essential oils that have numerous beneficial effects on aquarium water.
Futter für Welse im Aquarium
There are a variety of catfish species that can be kept in aquariums. Each species has its own feeding habits that must be considered. Some catfish are omnivorous and eat both plant and animal foods, while others feed primarily on algae, food pellets or live insect larvae.