
Tropical Querex - Oak bark extract

CHF 10.10
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CHF 10.10

Tropical Querex - Oak bark extract

Tropical Querex - Oak bark extract

Tropical Querex is an oak bark extract for the preparation of water that favors the reproduction and breeding of ornamental fish.

It adds natural tannins (organic chemical compounds classified as tannins) to the water, thanks to which the water parameters resemble those of the natural habitat of blackwater fish.

Natural medicine has long taken advantage of the prophylactic properties of oak bark. Oak bark in the aquarium creates favorable living conditions by helping to keep its inhabitants in good health.

In aquariums where oak bark is used, skin problems in fish occur only occasionally. Rubbing of fish against parts of the aquarium equipment or decoration is also rarely observed.

Adult fish are more eager to reproduce, and the hatching and survival rate of the young fish also increases.

Tropical Querex stimulates spawning, effectively protects the spawn and accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, mucus layer and fins of the breeding stock.

Tropical Querex is not effective in hard water. It is intended for use in soft and slightly acidic water.

It does not harm the beneficial filter bacteria.

Content bottle 50 ml

10 ml per 100 liters of water or the required amount until the water takes the desired color. To be used after each partial or full water change, after transporting the fish or when they need to get used to the new living conditions and are therefore more prone to skin abrasions and wounds.

The preparation can be used together with Torfin Complex, Ketapang Extract and Blacklarin preparations. WARNING! DO NOT SWALLOW!