Particularly flexible and adaptable thanks to soft carrier material
Ideal for glass and other firm, smooth surfaces
Durable and robust
There is always a risk of unsightly contamination in and around the aquarium, which may not be a problem for the animal inhabitants but which can bother the aquarist. Green deposits on the panes are an unwanted side effect, especially during the running-in phase. Water spots and light limescale marks are also an annoying problem, especially in open tanks.
The Sponge Soft is designed precisely for these types of soiling. The sponge is covered with a Lurex surface and cleans the panes without scratching the glass. With just a little pressure, the aquarium can be cleaned quickly and easily, right into the corners. The arrangement of the Lurex fibres is modelled on a natural example: the radula (also known as a ‘rasp tongue’), which most molluscs have. It serves as a set of teeth for rasping and crushing food. Snails use this mouthpart to graze the algae growth on panes and furnishings.