
GlasGarten Snail Safe

CHF 15.80
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CHF 15.80

GlasGarten Snail Safe

GlasGarten Snail Safe protects your snails from venturing too far out of the aquarium and possibly taking damage by falling or drying out outside if they cannot make it back on their own.

Especially snail species like the ornament racing snail, orange track racing snail, zebra racing snail, antler snail or the red racing snail, i.e. species of Neritina, Clithon or Vittina, are known to climb out of the aquarium and are often found dead next to the aquarium too late.

This often happens when they climb over the top of open tanks or crawl out of small openings in aquarium covers and cannot find their way back.

With Snail Safe - escape protection for snails you can easily prevent this and protect your snails from such accidents. It is harmless for all aquarium inhabitants, but unpleasant for snails, so when they touch it with their sensitive foot, they do not want to go further and turn back.

Snail Safe is easy to apply like a cream as a thin transparent film, so you create a barrier even for your snails in the places you don't want them to crawl over.

Snail Safe adheres well to all dry surfaces such as glass, plastic, wood, metal, etc. and is water repellent.

Content 25 ml

Content 25 ml

Remove some Snail Safe with your finger and apply a thin film to the top of the dry tank rim all around in open aquariums (for larger snails or very strong escape drive, apply a little thicker at the beginning). If, for example, only individual openings are to be secured in a cover, apply Snail Safe escape protection for snails directly around the opening. The substrate should be dry. Check from time to time whether the protective barrier is still closed and, if necessary, improve open areas. Residues can be removed well, e.g. with a dry kitchen towel.