Gioiashrimp Catappa Liquid is the ideal alternative to sea almond leaves or sea almond bark.
Sea almond tree leaves are a popular natural product in aquaristics to lower the ph level in the aquarium in a natural way, as well as due to the high content of tannins.
Sea almond leaves are also very helpful in preventing bacteria and fungi in the aquarium.
With the Gioiashrimp Catappa Liquid you can benefit from the advantages of the sea almond tree leaves in liquid form and can thus dispense with the insertion of sea almond tree leaves or sea almond tree bark.
Content 1 piece
Sea almond tree leaves
Sea almond tree bark
Recommended use
Weekly 5 ml of Catappa Liquid to 10 liters of aquarium water or weekly 15 ml to 10 liters of aquarium water if it is a black water aquarium.
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