
Femanga Bakto Fit Freshwater

CHF 15.95
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CHF 15.95

Femanga Bakto Fit Freshwater

A natural body of water always strives for a harmonious state of its forces: Build-up and decomposition processes are in a biological balance. Fish, plants and bacteria are the operators of a cycle that regulates and maintains itself on the basis of the available material. The living element water and its inhabitants organize themselves independently; human intervention has a detrimental effect.

In the aquarium, the same biological processes take place, but in a very confined space. The balance of forces is particularly sensitive here and ornamental fish, of all things, the most important players in the aquatic world for us, represent the greatest disruptive factor. Their number and the associated metabolic activity is usually too great for the self-purification forces of the small water volume. Human intervention is necessary here!

As much as necessary, as little as possible. Can this principle be reconciled with our desires? The answer is given by the living element water. It is, so to speak, the working surface of all living processes, providing the necessary substances and transporting harmful products to the places of degradation. The balance of plants, fish and bacteria can be achieved in the aquarium only if it works together with a powerful life partner.

Femanga Bakto Fit Freshwater optimizes the living conditions of the pollutant-degrading bacteria and thus ensures rapid bacterial development. As a permanent care product it supports the decomposition of waste products (faeces, mulm and food residues) and at the same time reduces nitrate formation. The process-related water turbidity gives way to a flawless crystal effect of the water after a few hours.
  • Content bottle 250 ml
  • 250 ml sufficient for 2'500 liters
  • 500 ml sufficient for 5'000 liters
  • 1000 ml sufficient for 10'000 liters

Shake well before use.

Add 10 ml of Femanga Bakto Fit Freshwater to 100 liters of aquarium water once a week.

At the first setup:

1st and 2nd day 20 ml to 100 liters of aquarium water.

3rd to 5th day 10 ml to 100 liters of aquarium water.

Note: The milky water turbidity in the first hours is due to the process and will disappear completely.

For optical reasons, leave to take effect overnight. The next morning the aquarium water is crystal clear.