Der Kampffisch - Ein faszinierender Aquarienbewohner

The fighting fish - a fascinating aquarium inhabitant

Feb 04, 2024

The fighting fish, also known as Betta splendens, is one of the most fascinating and colorful species you can keep in an aquarium. Originally, the fighting fish comes from Southeast Asia, more precisely from Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, where it is native to slow-flowing waters. In recent years, however, it has become a popular pet and enjoys great popularity among aquarium enthusiasts all over the world.

Appearance and variety of colors

One of the most striking features of the fighting fish is its magnificent fin dress. The males have long, flowing fins in bright colors such as red, blue or green. Females, on the other hand, are somewhat less conspicuously colored and have shorter fins. Depending on the breed, there are countless variations and color variants that make the fighting fish a real eye-catcher in the aquarium.

In addition to the different colors, there are also different fin shapes in fighting fish. Some have long, slender fins, while others have short and wide fins. Each shape has its own charm and gives the fighting fish a unique appearance.

Behavior and keeping

The fighting fish is a loner and territorial. Males should never be kept together in an aquarium, as they would fight each other. It is important to provide them with sufficient space and to furnish the aquarium with hiding places such as plants or decorations. The water temperature should be kept constant and the water should be cleaned regularly to ensure optimal conditions for the fighting fish.

Another interesting behavior of the fighting fish is its nest building. Males build foam nests on the surface of the water in which they lay and guard their eggs. This behavior is fascinating to observe and shows the natural instincts of the fighting fish.

Nutrition and care

The fighting fish is an omnivore and can be fed with special flake food or granules. In addition, live food such as mosquito larvae or Artemia should be offered occasionally to ensure a balanced diet. Regular water changes and checking the water values are also important to maintain the health of the fighting fish.

It is advisable to plant the aquarium with sufficient plants, as this provides the fighting fish with hiding places and creates a natural environment. Floating plants can also help to improve the water quality and promote the fighting fish's well-being.

Breeding and offspring

Breeding fighting fish requires some experience and patience. In order to breed successfully, a separate breeding tank should be set up. The male builds a foam nest in which the eggs are laid. Once the young have hatched, they should be separated from the parents and fed with special rearing food. Rearing the young can be an exciting challenge, but also a lot of fun.

Health problems and diseases

Although fighting fish are generally robust animals, they can still suffer from various diseases. The most common health problems include fin rot, ichthyophthirius (white spot disease) and dropsy. It is important to recognize the signs of disease early and take appropriate measures to maintain the health of the fighting fish. Regular water changes, clean water and a balanced diet are the foundations for a healthy life.

The most important facts about fighting fish summarized once again

The fighting fish is undoubtedly a fascinating aquarium inhabitant and is well suited to beginners in the aquarium hobby. With its colorful appearance, interesting behavior and diverse breeding forms, it brings life and joy to any aquarium. When keeping them, it is important to respond to the needs of the fighting fish and create optimal conditions. With the right care and attention, the fighting fish will become a real eye-catcher and favorite in the aquarium.

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