
Ab sofort: Kauf auf Rechnung mit Teilzahlungsoption
We are delighted to share some great news with you! From now on, we are offering a new, flexible payment option in our pet supplies and aquaristics shop: purchase on account with an instalment facility. This new payment option allows you to pay for your purchases even more conveniently and at your own pace.
Rechnung als neue Zahlungsart verfügbar
After informing you in our blog a few days ago that you can now also pay for your orders in our aquaristic online store using PayPal, we have now added another payment method for you.
TWINT "Später bezahlen" verfügbar - AQUATANA
We are pleased to inform you that the new payment method "Pay later with TWINT" is now available in our online store.You select the payment method TWINT in our online store and if your bank already supports this new function of TWINT, you can choose whether you want to settle the outstanding amount immediately or within 30 days.