Futter für Panzerwelse: JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M

Food for armored catfish: JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M

Feb 02, 2024

Are you looking for the ideal staple food for your armored catfish? The JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M food tablets are the perfect option for armored catfish from 1 to 20 cm in size. Here's everything you need to know about this high-quality food:

  • Ideal staple food for all armored catfish (Corydoras, Aspidoras, Brochis, Scleromystax, Dianema, Hoplosternum etc.)
  • Application: Allow to sink to the bottom of the aquarium. For crepuscular species, only feed after the lights have been switched off
  • Natural raw materials without artificial additives for a natural diet and healthy armored catfish. Tested on JBL research expeditions in the tropics
  • Very high acceptance even with picky species thanks to high-quality raw materials such as salmon, krill, shrimps and spirulina
  • Scope of delivery: Original sealed, airtight and lightproof, recyclable tin with dosing aid inside the lid

Catfish are bottom-dwelling fish species from South America that use their barbels to search for food on or in the bottom. It is therefore important that the substrate is not coarse and never sharp-edged. They like to live in groups and are peaceful.

As omnivores, they consume detritus (crushed organic matter) on or in the substrate. The JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS takes this into account in its composition with plant and animal components. It offers a near-natural diet and is also very popular with picky species.

If you keep different bottom dwellers in an aquarium, you can feed both JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS for armored catfish and JBL PRONOVO BOTIA for loaches at the same time. This offers the fish more variety and is good for their well-being.

Compared to food tablets, wafers are made from a slurry and a "continuous sausage" pressed out of the extruder. This makes them harder and they are still available to the suckermouth catfish as "hard" food to grind even after a certain waiting time. The JBL PRONOVO PLECO is available in sizes M and XL, for example.

The JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M is a complete food for ornamental fish and provides a balanced diet for your armored catfish. It contains all the important nutrients required for the growth and immune system of your fish.

The well thought-out formula of the food is based on natural raw materials and has been successfully tested on JBL research expeditions in the tropics. This means you can be sure that you are offering your armored catfish a high-quality and natural food.


The JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M is the ideal food for a balanced diet and the well-being of your armored catfish. Ensure healthy and happy fish by using high-quality food.

The food tablets are packed in an original sealed, airtight and lightproof, recyclable tin. The dosing aid in the lid makes feeding your armored catfish easy and efficient. Thanks to the high acceptance and compatibility of the food, you can ensure vital and colorful fish in your aquarium.

The high-quality raw materials such as salmon, krill, shrimp and spirulina ensure a very high level of acceptance, even with picky species. The careful selection of natural ingredients ensures a natural diet that promotes the well-being and vitality of your armored catfish.


By using JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M you not only ensure a balanced diet, but also support the immune system and the resistance of your fish. Regular feeding with high-quality food will keep your armored catfish healthy and vital.

The food is formulated in such a way that it minimizes water pollution and does not negatively affect the water quality. This contributes to a stable and healthy aquarium in which your armored catfish can thrive and prosper.

Discover the JBL PRONOVO CORYDORAS TAB M and spoil your armored catfish with a natural and balanced diet that promotes their well-being and supports their vitality. Your fish will thank you with a colorful and vital appearance.

Further information can be found here.


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